GRÜN alpha03.05.2023

Fundraising agency GRÜN alpha joins steinrücke + ich

GRÜN alpha takes over the shares of the renowned agency steinrücke + ich from Cologne. Synergy for leading fundraising consultancy. The Aachen, Cologne and Munich locations will remain in place, and everyone involved will remain on board.

Aachen, October 03.05.2023nd, XNUMX. The Fundraising agency GRÜN alpha, specialist in Fundraising and Communication in the GRÜN Software Group, takes over the shares of the renowned agency stone ridge + me from Cologne.

steinrücke + ich gmbh has been one of the best-known agencies for communication, creation and campaigns for Nonprofit organizations and enjoys an excellent reputation. The creative profile of the agency will be further sharpened and expanded in the field of digital communication. Together, the two agencies bundle their fundraising expertise and create a leading offering for fundraising advice and creation.

Joachim Sina, Managing Director of GRÜN alpha and in the future also from steinrücke + ich: "We are very pleased that with our commitment we can create the opportunity for our valued colleague Veronika Steinrücke to hand over responsibility for the management at steinrücke + ich after 22 years and to work as a freelance consultant for the agency to start a new phase of life in which she can continue to work for and with the agency's clients on the one hand, but enjoys more freedom on the other." Working together in the new constellation: “We have had a collegial friendship for many years; now we are moving even closer together and entering a new phase together with two strong agencies. This is a great perspective for my life’s work.” GRÜN alpha Managing Director Friederike Hofmann is certain: "Our new form of cooperation will have advantages for the customers of the two agencies, because we not only have a broader range of content, but can also use the expertise of both teams".

Not only will the colleagues working at steinrücke + ich remain with the agency, including co-founder and head of graphics Ulrich Steinrücke, but also the strong brand and the location of the agency will remain unchanged. dr Oliver Grün, CEO of GRÜN Software Group GmbH, also sees synergies for the software customers of GRÜN Group: “With our software solutions, we are one of the market leaders in the field of charitable organizations and member organizations. By expanding our supplementary fundraising advice, we can now offer our customers even more comprehensive expertise and support in fundraising and recruiting members.”

The GRÜN Software Group is a constantly growing group of companies made up of industry software manufacturers and additional agencies with an industry focus, currently with 320 employees at 10 locations.

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